To be with you is...! Pure, raw, explosive pleasure! Better than drugs, better than smack! Better than a dope-coke-crack-fix-shit-shoot-sniff-ganja-marihuana-blotter-acid-ecstasy! Better than sex, head, 69, orgies, masturbation, tantrism, Kama Sutra or Thai doggy-style! Better than banana milkshakes! Better than George Lucas's trilogy, the muppets and 2001! Better than Emma Peel, Marilyn, Lara Croft and Cindy Crawford's beauty mark! Better than the B-side to Abbey Road, Jimmy Hendrix and the first man on the moon! Space Mountain, Santa Claus, Bill Gates' fortune, the Dalai Lama, Lazarus raised from the dead! Schwarzenegger's testosterone shots, Pam Anderson's lips! Woodstock, raves... Better than Sade, Marel, Angello and Ingrosso! Better than freedom, better than life!
and i miss feeling this way...
1 comentario:
esa verborreaa jeje k collage de ideas y sentimientos, aveces me pasa iwal, y me siento como la mayoria de personask mencionas aki y otras cositas jiji nice post! y k original tu pic con Marion Cottliard! ( no c bn como se ecribe but i love her ) viste La vie en rose?? con ella como Edith Piaf?
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